On Radical Positivity

In the midst of all this chaos, I realized that the one thing I could control was how I approached my work and my interactions with others. I decided to embrace radical positivity and kindness. I found inspiration in the book “What’s Next is Now” which put words to concepts I already knew but made them clearer and easier to understand.
On First Tries

I don’t know about you, but I often feel content fatigue.
I LOVE reading, learning, and getting new knowledge, but holy shirt the web has been already inundated with very cheap content spit out by ChatGPT or by building algorithms of the “most popular.”
Now, I’m all for maximizing results within a sustainable, healthy way, but AI stuff ain’t it…
About Marc

A Happy Walking Contradiction
My life is brimming with contradictions, here’s a few for fun…
On Marketing
You have no idea how hard it was not naming my company MARCketing